Saturday, 31 August 2013

Glasgow- A Mackintosh Explosion

Just got to Dublin last night and promptly fell asleep.

Glasgow was certainly cool. We saw 5 different Charles Mackintosh projects. Him and his wife, Margatet Macdonald, did some crazy beautiful work. And did probably some of my favorite things ever. We saw Hill House, Home for an art lover, Glasgow school of art, the Mackintosh residence, and the willow tea room. Their designs are super beautiful and elegant.

Glasgow was a pretty nice city, the subway in Glasgow is  literally a circle- with an outer line and in inner line that go clockwise and counter clockwise.

No huge plans for Dublin, going to relax some. The only thing planned so far is the Guiness tour. Yum.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Lake Windermere, Blackwell House, Oxford, Blenheim palace.

Got to the hotelnin Glasgow. Finally have reliable Internet. Didnt waste anytime going out. Our bus driver was basically a magician in not hitting anything. The last two days hage been long and we've seen a ton. Some unbelievably beautiful places. We'll be in Glasgow until Friday night, then flying to Dublin. Going to see the Glasgow school of art tomorrow, I am super excited to see some of Charles Mackintosh's work. It's amazing. I'll leave you with some pictures.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013


Staying at a college dorm in Oxford tonight. Took a bus from London to Blenheim Palace. It was enormous. And beautiful.

Then the bus took us to Oxford. Spotty wifi here that won't work for my phone, but I'll post some cool ohotos. Sorry there arent any photos now but the internet isn't cooperating

Monday, 26 August 2013

Welcome to Chubb's extravaganza blog

Taking a short break at the British museum, it is an enormous museum. Seemed like a good enough place to start my blog.

We've been so busy since thursday and since or hotel charges £10 for wifi a day, we just have been stealing starbucks wifi whenever possible.

So far I've been to the V&A museum, the Emory Walker house, the William Morris society, Red House, Bedford Park, Trafalfar Square, Covent Garden, Westminster Abbey (saw an organ recital), saw the Houses of parliment, went to Greenwich... too many things for regular people's feet.

Hopefully I'll update this a bunch more as  we go along. Hard to believe we are actually here. If you absolutely need to call me & can afford whatever international fees my number here is
07507461140 I believe.

Mary and David and I are probably about to go get some fish and chips. Obviously.